History and why in Thailand?

Japanese actor Peron Yasu,he born in Kishiwada,Osaka,and he is living in Thailand around 18years.I graduated from Osaka Yoshimoto NSC 17th term in 1997.After that,I was standing on stage as a Manzai combination "Illegal" at the 2-chome Theater in Shinsaibashi,Osaka and NGK (Namba Grand Kagetsu).In 1998,my partner dissolved the duo because he joined the Self-Defense Forces.後、初海外当時電気がなかったタイ南部・タオ島にて、炎の道を必死に逃げる夢にうなされ、目覚めた現実世界ではアルコールランプが出火原因による火事、燃えるバンガローで死にかけるも海に飛び込み、一命をとりとめる。助かった命、タイ人の愛と慈悲、タイという国の魅力に引き込まれていく。その後、東南アジアを中心に、中央アジアからニューヨーク、ヨーロッパ諸国など、訪問した国は20か国以上。1999年に東京でオーディションを受け、映画「ワイルドゼロ」竹内哲郎監督(ロケ地:タイ)におかまを襲う役で映画初出演、また同作では特殊メイクを変えて、数多くのゾンビ役としても出演。これが切欠となり、現場で戦ったタイの映画制作チームとの出会いや繋がりをはじめ、世界中から映画制作やCM撮影、PV、MV、番組制作にやってくるこの地、タイでやってみたい、何より1人の日本人俳優として、海外に出て挑戦してみたい。結果、2001年には東京から東南アジアの中心ともいうべきタイの地へ、本格的に活動拠点を移動。その後、2003年にはタイで初出演した緑茶のCM(ユニフグリーンティー)が、カンヌ国際広告祭で金賞を受賞、「新芽チョーダイ!」という言葉がタイで大ヒットし、タイでの緑茶ブームを巻き起こす。以来、タイ国内外のCM出演本数は30本以上、主に映画を中心として演じているほか、ドラマや舞台、旅番組、料理番組の司会をはじめ、PV等のアナウンサーやCMの声優、台本の翻訳(日タイ英)なども精力的に行っている。2007年には邦画「ハブと拳骨」(英語名:Bloody Snake Under the Sun)中井庸友監督に栄一役で出演、第20回東京国際映画祭のコンペティション部門や夕張ファンタスティック映画祭、ハンブルグ映画祭にも参加。また、タイ映画「メナムの残照」(タイ語名:'คู่กรรม 'クーカム,英語名:Sunset)リョウ監督では歴史背景や日本語指導、制作全般および吾妻軍医役としても出演、バンコク国際映画祭に参加、第27回東京国際映画祭にも出品されている。2018年公開の邦画「ニワトリ★スター」(英語名:Smokin' on the Moon)かなた狼監督では、ドラッグディーラーで自称ラッパーのJay役を演じている。また同年、初のマレーシア映画「ロムーシャの愛」(英語名:Romusha)に安田大輔重曹役として出演、同じくマレーシア映画「The Garden of Evening Mists」では、遺骨収集人の一人として出演している。

Contact details

Saraburi,Thailand 18190



Graduated from Haruki Junior High School

We have decided to participate in the Jr. Olympics with the water polo team⁉
Graduate March,1993

I've loved sports since I was a kid,skate,swimming,water polo and I played handball in the first year of junior high school.And when I was in the second year of junior high school,it was the last summer of junior high school.I became the captain in the water polo team.That year,even our weak team got the right to qualify for the Jr. Olympics.And one day before the match,the teacher said a word in front of everyone. "I'm so sorry everyone!We forgot to submit the medical check for required to participate in the Junior Olympics.And my captain's last summer was over.I couldn't participate in the Junior Olympics ...

Graduated from Kumeda High School

Bike racer,Boxing,and the encounter with Japanese movie"Young Thugs:Nostalgia"
Graduate March,1996

When I was in high school,I spent the night racing on the pier every day.At the same time,I started going to the boxing gym.And I belonged to the swimming club in high school club activities.When I was in the second year of high school,I had a big accident on a motorcycle.When I was in the third year of high school,I went to school every morning after seeing the shooting movie 'Young Thugs: Nostalgia'. And I decided to go on the way of show business.

Graduated from Osaka Yoshimoto NSC(New Star Create) 17th term

I Started activities as a comic dialogue combination names "Illegal"
Graduate March,1997

As the Manzai combination name "Illegal",I will perform at the 2-chome Theater and at Namba Grand Kagetsu in Osaka,Japan.


Swimming teacher qualification

Osaka prefectural 'Hamadera swimming school' August,1992

In the summer of the second year of junior high school in 1992,I graduated from Hamadera swimming school in Osaka Prefecture and obtained a qualification as a swimming teacher.It was also the year when I became the captain of the water polo team,but it was unable to participate in the Jr. Olympics due to the failure to submit a health check up for all players.

Boxing championships in Osaka victory(1st title) winner

Feather weight class '1996

First match at Osaka Prefectural Kinki University.The class is featherweight,The counter punch that I shot at the same time as the starting gong hit the opponent player with a fluke and won the victory in 1R.A Gym's chairman,who has passed away now,he says,"One-hit wonder on the left counter" whether it can be done in 1R or not,because you don't have stamina.

Boxing championships all-Japan business group victory(3rd title)

Jr. Welterweight,Lightweight class '1997and'1998


6 years of cooking training at Japanese restaurant "Torajiro"

Mainly sashimi,sushi,Japanese food in general '2005~


Thai examination Poo 6 graduation qualification

Level is Thai elementary school graduation '2006

Obtained a graduation qualification from Thai language examination Po 6 during me training at the Japanese restaurant "Torajiro" (2006). By this time,I can read and write as well as speak Thai without any problems.

Thai Horse riding HG Cup 5th prize

Horse riding Dressage &Jumping '2011

I have been studying horse riding for several years at the Royal Thai Army Horse riding club,HG (Horseguard).I participates in show jumping mutch every year and I won the 5th title in the HG Cup in 2011.It also passes the dressage test.I've become able to run and jump in gallops even if I let go so that I can appear in historical drama at any time,but it's hard to get offers for historical drama and movies that involve horse riding. I'm still waiting for an offer.


①Swimming(Race&Japanese method)②Water polo ③Sward play ④Boxing ⑤Horse riding(Show jumping&Dressage)⑥Cooking ⑦Driving bike ➇Driving car ⑨Thai language ⑩English language ⑪Laos(Isan) language


①Camping ②Harmonica ③Fishing ④Watching movies ⑤Study language ⑥Music apprication



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    Mr. アドビ



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